Monday, 19 March 2007

Some hints for my scarfer and Austy pics

As some of you may have read here or seen me post in the ISE4 blog, you may be aware that I am taking on my first ever knitting swap, that being the International Scarf Exchange. As a newbie to this kind of thing, and being terrified of missing out, I think I left my mystery scarf knitter a tad in the dark, as I was a bit vague with my survey responses. Since thinking about it a lot more and browsing lots of scarf patterns, I thought I would dedicate a bit of time to hint dropping so my scarfer has at least some idea of what I like (please excuse my vagueness in the survey!) . I think I would prefer something a bit textured, so more into the cables and other textured patterns than the lace. I love things like this or this, just to give you a bit of an idea of my taste, or even something with a bit of a honeycomb or seed stitch panel through it. Think warmth (we are going to the snow this July) and texture and you will be on a winner with me. As I said, blue is my favourite colour, especially teal tones, or else anything earthy (chocolate, moss, sage, beige, warm greys etc.). Okay I'll shut-up now and let your creativity take over!

OOOPS! Forgot to say... I hate anything tweedy. THe little lumps make the yarn look pilly and dirty imho, so I would never wear it. I can't believe I forgot to mention it - it's really my only yarn peeve.

Now for the promised bunny bum... It's been a busy household the last few days and my little man has been super exhausted by bedtime and not a very cooperative model. As a result, I only have these substandard pics to show off, he just won't stay put! Oh well, here they are:

And a FO from December last year that I just love on my boy (photos are from just a week or two ago - he's growing up!):

I was making it for last winter (it's a nice soft and warm Sirdar Snuggly) but was a bit slow, so it's a good thing I made the 12-24m size as it will fit him this winter (thank goodness he stopped growing rounder, and he's only sprouting legs now!). He hasn't had much chance to wear it as it's been so warm here, but we've had the odd cool night at the inlaws house for a BBQ dinner out the back. I love the hood and teh little pockets on the front. The buttons were $1.10 a piece and teh lady at the shop asked me if I was sure, but they were the best buttons to suit the hoodie and there was no way I was putting something cheap and nasty on my knitting after spending all that time (I hate knitting hoods - the jumper looks almost finished at that point but there's still so much more knitting to go with the hood! At least hoods look super cute though).

1 comment:

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog about my Noro scarf. I have actually decided to keep it because it looks good with my winter coat.

Awww, your little fella is sooooo adorable! Look at that cute smile! The hoodie is great, as is the bunny bum!