I got home and found them grubby from the nanny finding them left out on the bench and using them in the backyard (I was planning on keeping them brand new until I had the complte outfit and then using them when I went out somewhere with her, not for the backyard!). They actually do fit, quite nicely in fact, but I soaked them now to get the dirt off and the brown suede has run into the fabric. So they were pretty much ruined before I got to even try them on her (sob).
So no fancy photo of a finished object I was thrilled with, just a soggy shot of a project that makes me feel a bit blurgh now to look at them. I was planning all sorts of shoes and outfit sets but for now, I've lost my motivation.
So no fancy photo of a finished object I was thrilled with, just a soggy shot of a project that makes me feel a bit blurgh now to look at them. I was planning all sorts of shoes and outfit sets but for now, I've lost my motivation.
****ETA**** I took another look at them and after they dried (photos above had them still soggy and wet) they were REVOLTING!
I remembered that this is my year for trying to become more positive, so I picked my chin up off the floor and got to work. Problem solved:

SURFACE SPOT CLEAN ONLY!!!! (Anyone know where I can get some NATURAL/UNDYED suede? This brown stuff was a freebie which does the trick, but you can't get it wet)
They still look lovely - you can see how well made they are.
They are very cute indeed. You can't tell that they have been ruined. But for what it's worth. They are lovely.
I think they are gorgeous! Well done! Were they easy to make? I've attempted making a pair a while ago..but got so fed with the stitching around the heel part - I just can't do it! Yours look fabulous!
I dont think they look wrecked at all.
Still very cute and wearable in my opinion!! I've thinking about some shoes for winter for Aden...what pattern are these ones??
Don't lose heart as those shoes look great! I think another pair (or two) would be a great idea :)
AJ - the pattern is from etsy seller preciouspatterns. This is the bunny/plain pair but I can just picture the monkey ones on Aden!
Thanks everyone for the kind words. The shoes look well and truley brown now as I put them down (still damp) and thought I'd have another look at them after the kids were in bed to try and fix them, but the colour came out of the suede eerywhere in yucky blotches! I have decided to take it on as experience though - the next pair should be faster to make, and now I know they are definitely SPOT WASH ONLY!!! Until I can source a natural undyed suede or faux sued that can handle a bit of water!
I just saw your updated picture, Joy. What a shame, they are well and truly destroyed. I really hope you make another pair soon as they were so cute
Oh, I just realised, you already did make another pair - and extra cute with the flowers!
Maybe if you go to a shoe maker or someone who alters and makes leather things they might have of cuts for you. Can't remember what a person who makes things of leather is called.
Such sweet little shoes! But what a sad story. I have some pieces of macro-suede (furnishing offcuts I was lucky enough to score) if you want some? I've got cream, khaki, blue, red and orange, let me know, your welcome to have some of it.
Oh drat! Shame man...what a disaster! Anyway..at least you know how to make them now. It can only get better!
What was the nanny thinking? Love them though - shame about the suede - little girls shoes really need to be water proof! No idea where to get undied stuff though.
They do look beautiful. Pity the brown suede ran but at least now you know so you wont make any other pairs and that happens! A blessing in disguise if you try and look at it that way. I am sure your next pair will be absolutely perfect!
would you consider doing a tutorial on these?
i've looked at a few, but these are WAY cuter!!
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