So far bub's stash consists of 7 homemade fitteds, 2 home made pockets, 3 woolly nappy covers and now an All-In-One. This is the nappy project from Saturday - I embroidered a couple of nappy cuts (one is a Christmas nappy waiting for some red velour to arrive for the inner) and then drafted my own pattern and stitched up this little number.

I also finished this little Mini WonderSoaker (pattern available at the Wooly Wonder Store), all except the drawstring which still needs to be added but last night I decided to cast on some wool shorties instead, using some deliciously soft O-Wool.

I was naughty and got caught up in the latest Bubblebubs stocking too, ordering two more AIO's and had to order one of the Minky Magicalls that I've heard everyone raving about. I know I shouldn't buy nappies when I can make them myself at less than half the price, but I also feel that my time is running out and I don't have anywhere near the number of nappies I had made at this stage when pregnant with Austy. Don't worry though, my blog hasn't been completely overcome by nappies.
There will also be the big reveal of this little quilt in the next week or so (opening day is Friday) and hopefully one for me to open at my end on Friday too.

Then there's a couple of 3yr old's birthday presents I need to whip up between now and Sunday, so tonight I am either working on those, or cutting out pocket nappies. More on those later (and maybe a sneak peak or two!)
Aww I missed the BB stocking (probably a good thing though) I love the nappy you've made, the embroidery is fantastic.
I love seeing all you DQS peeks, can't wait to see it all!
Gorgeous nappies. I love BBs too, have a few in Kaiden's stash. Love your knitting too. Susan
Oh great job. You will LOVE the Minki Magicall - We love love love ours here - infact I have jsut signed up to be a Baby beehinds consultant - a little exciting - fluffy mail in my mailbox all the time.
I LOVE those thongs! And the nappy-embroidery is pretty cute, too :)
Great embroidery on the nappy. And I love the thongs too Joy!
Just beautiful Joy. I love looking at your work.
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