It seems likeAusty's big boy bed quilt is taking me forever, especially now I'm onto the strippy squares. Mind you I did put it down for quite a while to practise on some little quilts first, and the practise has certainly helped. I can tell very easily as I had to trim quite a bit off the first lot of strippy squares I did at the beginning, but the ones I made over the last couple of nights were almost perfect. I have decided to add an extra row to my design so that there are two eye spye blocks on both the top and bottom rows, so am now waiting for an equilter order for more trucks and more of the blue swirl after a mismeasured cut rendered the two squares I needed, useless for this quilt... Argh! I would have had the exact amount I needed! Oh well, I can now make a pillow slip to match. Looking at it in picture form makes me feel I still have a looooong way to go with all those strippy squares and half squares, but I think it will be worth it. DH tells me that if I didn't spend so much time laying out the blocks all the time, I'd have it done by now... hmmm maybe he's onto something, but I can't help myself!
Excuse the pic quality - taken late at night...

looking good Joy!!
I love all the transport prints you have used so far. Can't wait to see the finished quilt. Austy is a lucky boy!
oh wow, this is looking fantastic!!! I'd love to start a quilt each for my boys, but am scared that by the time I'd finish it they'd be in king size beds lol.
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