But that doesn't stop me staring at it lovingly!! Emma did the second round, which pushed my block slightly off centre with some gorgeous kaleidescope blocks and adorable little seahorses. I love how she used the print to give them eyes - so clever! Don't miss seahorse number three poking his head around my centre block at the top either - very cute! I think with some quilting close to the edge, perhaps with some metallic thread, these little guys might be forced to come out of hiding a little more, despite their shy nature. They are too cute not to show them off!

Then Emma sent it off to Perth, where Helen raided her stash, brightening it up with the stripey border which reminds me so much of many of Helen's quilts. It ties in with the turtle shell fabrics nicely and livens it up a bit out of all the batiks. I remeber seeing her sneak peak on her blog when she did it a while back, feeling a little gyped because she didn't show off very much of her section at all, but now I can see it would have been a dead give-away!

Finally, AJ found the perfect batik fabric for the outer border, calming down the busy-ness of the design and adding a simple but very beautiful fish and seaweed applique to the bottom corner, all done painstakingly by hand - practising for that Noah quilt we've both been working on I think!

All in all I adore every bit of it, and wouldn't change a thing. This round robin (my first ever) has certainly been a wonderful, challenging, inspiring and very creative endevour, of which I have loved being a part. I have a good idea what I want to do with Emma's, I just need to find a little time somewhere...
Looks great Joy!
I was going for the 1 fish, 2 turtles, 3 seahorse idea...And I couldn't find any where else to put some more fish that looked right...but I have just realised a big opps!! I forgot to sew the little button I had for eye on the fish....can you please do it for me when you get to finishing it....sorry....!!
No problems AJ - I thought you had left it off purposefully as it would be easier to quilt without buttons, so I was planning on adding a little button at the end of the quilting process once I saw it.
Wow! Great work girls! Sorry about the shy seahorses - I knew as soon as I looked the the whole thing they were a little hidden and would need some careful quilting to bring them out. I love what everyone has done, and that fabric AJ found is perfect. this has been such fun, we'll have to do it again sometime!
Don't be sorry at all Emma - seahorses are meant to be shy. But I think I might just have to make them SPARKLE with the quilting ;)
What a wonderful round robin result - it's beautiful - Congrats to everyone who worked on it.
Wow that looks awesome! Those kaleidoscopes of Emma's look a bit like tortoise shells and the rest of the quilt just blends it perfectly.
So much to aspire to :)
Good work ladies!
Ohhhhh, looks great girls! Love the pink fish AJ! Glad you like it Joy! How big did it end up being??
WOW!!! That is so awesome! Well done to all involved cant wait to see the others!
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