I know I haven't been blogging lately, but I have had an extra distraction. We picked up the teeny tiny Milo, just under 2w ago, and while he has us all completely besotted with him, he is also a little bit of a handful. Take a normal kitten, imagine how playful they are, then times that by 100, and that will give you some idea of what a cornish rex kitten is like!
Here he is the day we got him home. We treated him very gently as he was terrified for the first two or three days and wouldn't come out of the box we brought him home in.

I have been knitting though - I finished Madelyn's "In Threes" top all bar the buttons because with the weather we have been having lately it will be a while before we need warm woollies, and I hate sewing on buttons, so it will probably sit like this until it's cooler and I need to pick buttons. I was meant to finish the little tulip lace cotton top for her last month, but this was quicker and more suitable for tired eyes whilst getting back into a good rhythm starting back at work.

I also learned to crochet (thanks Mum) and Milo got my first couple of finished objects (seeing as I'm still learning and he really couldn't care less about how it looks). Here is a little mouse that started out as one of those jingle ball thingos but I crocheted a cover, added a tail, ears, eyes and nose and now it's a mouse.

I finally finished Madelyn's flirty skirty (which needed elastic, leg cuffs and blocking) - here it is blocking. I created the "cats paw" lace edge as I went, and did a ribbed elastic waistband because maddy pulls drawstrings undone but the rest is to pattern.

Oh and here is my first crocheted item ever, a door hanger cat toy, which is great for hooking over your wrist and flinging around since Milo is too little to reach it on our high door handles just yet.

I also tried out a baby sock pattern from "Boho Baby Knits". I love the look of it in the book but the sock itself is a little weird as it has a very pointy toe and heel. For some reason toddler sock patterns are like this (I have a couple of single socks from when Austy was this age because I didn't like the shape so they never got a pair made). However I do like the cute anklet style, so maybe there will be anothere one in time for cool autumn breezes.

I also dyed up more wool, some leftovers from some longies I made Austy years ago, and turned it into a curly purly soaker to be auctioned off to raise funds for Juvenile Diabetes Research over at Woolly Butts in March.

I made another in purple (leftover from the "In Threes" top) in a size small, but this one was my own pattern as I was too eager to cast on and couldn't wait for permission from Marnie (the curly purly designer) so figured if I designed my own I could do what I liked with it. When Marnie gave me permission to use her pattern I decided the boy one was in order. I will also sew up some matching tops to go with these.

I have been keeping busy with the kidlets on my days off, taking them to the zoo and local attractions, getting them out of the house. Oh and look at this - NO HANDS! Not the most flattering photo, but the only one I have managed to catch of Maddy walking so far. She's up and at 'em, walking as of Tuesday last week. (Keeping us on our toes!)

Not that this pic has anything to do with crafting, but my boy is certainly getting more spunky every day! He started kindy a couple of weeks ago and is totally loving it.

More cuteness here in the form of kitty pics - I did warn you they were coming!

He's settled in a lot better now, and plays with the kids, even coming up to snuggle with Madelyn and I while I feed her ready for bed. He's a mischevious little fellow though, stealing paper, small toys, dressmaking pins (eeep - straight out of the pincushion - so scared he'll swallow one or leave them somewhere for Maddy to get!), and even my embroidery scissors have been seen hanging from his mouth as he runs away!

He puts up with Austy smothering him with cuddles although isn't always happy about it, he watches curiously beside Maddy as she plays and he sleeps in our bed most of the time (except when his 2am antics get him locked in the ensuite for the night!)

(Please accept my apologies for the bittiness of this blog post - blogger wasn't in a good mood so I had to write it three times over and lost the flow...)