I guess I didn't really have much to blog for the month anyhow. I just did lots of little bits and didn't finish anything because I kept getting to a certain point in each project and realising I didn't have everything I needed to finish with so much of our stuff packed up and in storage. I did do a little bit of knitting until the heat really put me off and took three knitting projects with me to the US, thinking that since I was child free and staying in an apartment by myself for 7 nights I'd have time to knit and finish at least one of them off. How WRONG was I?!!
The workshop I was there for finished at 5pm each night but
we often all stayed back late to talk more work with other GM reps from around the globe, so we never really left until 6pm. I got lifts with the German guys most of the time as I was terrified driving on the wrong side of the road in icy conditions. This meant that I had to go wherever they went, which wasn't so bad as they were lots of fun and we went shopping a couple of times and were great dinner companions. I would have been having a boring dinner in the apartment on my own if I wasn't out with them. We also went out to a sports bar one night with the local guys which was a very American experience - big screens on every wall and a very blokey menu of burgers, fries and steaks.

I didn't get back to my apartment any earlier than 9:30 -10ish, and then hooked up with DH and Austy on a free skype call for about an hour a
nd then, absolutely exhausted, fell into bed. Can you believe I didn't knit even a stitch!!!?

Now I'm back (to a record heatwave after all that snow in Michigan!) and have loads of study to catch up on (thank goodness next week is Spring Break at Purdue so I can watch my lectures without having to download any new ones!), and we're finally moving house on Friday. So as you could imagine it's still a super busy household and I'm dying to have some one on one time with my crafts!

And finally some fabric goodness - I bought this stuff in a quitshop in Michigan called Guildcrafters, a HUGE shop that overwhelmed me at first, but to be honest I wish I had more time and a bigger suitcase. I could have brought home half the shop VERY easily. They had such beautiful fabrics and of course fabrics are half the price in the US as opposed to the $22-28 a metre we are expected to fork out here so it was very tempting. I fell in love with those rocketships straight away, perhaps because Austy didn't leave my mind for a moment (he scored so many things from Baby Gap, some little Nikes, a leap frog computer that was less than half the Aussie price and some other cool toys we don't have here).
Then I found the swirly bright fat 8ths packs that matched perfectly so I'm all set for another quilt. The batiks were for my Round Robin (just divine and matched my theme perfectly) and the other fat 8ths pack was just because it was irresistable with those gorgeous colours. Sadly the girraffe pattern I wanted to buy was all sold out.
When I arrived home a neat little package of fabric and charm squares from the Fat Quarter Shop. How beautiful are those Daydreams squares!? I was very impressed when I opened the parcel - perfect for who I am making the daydreams quilt for.
I look forward to settling in to the new house and getting crafty again. Unfortunately this Masters is going to keep me busy for a few months yet but I hope to fit in some craft time to unwind sometimes.
I look forward to settling in to the new house and getting crafty again. Unfortunately this Masters is going to keep me busy for a few months yet but I hope to fit in some craft time to unwind sometimes.

The quilt looks fabulous. I'm drooling over your fat quarters :)
Love the pics!
U say u r in the 'automotive' industry. In what way? I'm a chauffeur (glorified taxi driver) at Heathrow airport.
Liked reading yr comment on Germans trying to drive 'on the wrong side of the road' in icy conditions.
Most men can't drive on the correct side of the road in icy conditions!
In fact most men can't drive on the correct side in any conditions!
No I'm not a b---breaking feminist - just a realist!
No it was ME that didn't want to drive on the wrong side of the road in icy conditions. We drive on the left here. They drive on the right in the US and in Germany. The German guys were my saviours and drove me around until I had to go alone on the last day, when the worst of the snow fell.
Yes I know u drive on the left there cos u r sensible (like us!)
I love, Love, LOVE your round robin centre! I can't wait to add to it! And the photos from your trip - do you have more? I'm jealous of the snow and the shops!
I love the colours you used in the turle quilt. They looks great together.
Love your RR centre. The colours are gorgeous and the turtles are sooo cute, cant wait to see the next installment.
The Daydreams charm pack looks lovely, I was also eyeing this one off for a gift.
Good to see you back in blogland after a month away! Love your round robin centre - gorgeous - the shells are perfect. And love all the fabric you picked up in the US - must have been hard being away from your little man for the week. Good luck with the move.
sounds like you had fun and love the photo of you and the icy car! I remember when it snowed in london and I was at work and said how will we get home if its snowing and everyone just laughed at me since I thought trains and buses would just stop! too funny till you slide on your butt in the snow
glad you're back and I'm sure austy missed you so much!
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