I still haven't sorted out the scanner so might just have to drop out of the flashback Fridays, but in the meantime I have got stitching on yet another doll quilt. Don't worry, all these quilts have homes to go to and all due around the same time for either the swap, or 2nd birthday pressies.
This time I decided to try "on-point" piecing as I love quilts that are pieced this way, and even prefer it of floors (just ask Austy's Dad - the floors all HAD to be tiled on point, or else!). It is quite a bit trickier than I imagined, but this website helped me with the calculations, and the crazy 9 patch instructions came from here. Of course, mine are in minature, a tiny 3.25" finished square, using up 9 different 5" charm squares.
I was meant to be taking Austy to mother's group this afternoon but we spent too long mucking around at lunch as we went to the golf club, the inlaws took too long getting there and then MIL wanted to snap away at Austy and Elizabeth (both nearly 2!!!) while they wrestled on the lounge. By the time we got home, Austy was all hyperactive and overtired. I eventually wrangled him onto the change table and into bed, but he stayed asleep all afternoon. Must be catching up after lost sleep with his earache earlier in the week. I wasn't complaining - jsut sewing!!!
Last night when I got home from work this quilt top was just pieces of fabric waiting to be cut, and now it's a finished top (minus the border as I need to go out and get more of the cute white print for that and can't leave Austy while he's snoozing!). I have decided on a green backing (more of the tidllywinks if I can find it in time) and a pink binding. Please excuse my mishapen squares in the sashing - I am still very much a novice and I have realised that sashing takes lots more practise than I expected or it is not my forte!
Enjoy your weekend! Go Geelong...